Twistleton Scars Chapel-le-Dale Twistleton Scars are limestone pavements – a natural karst landform consisting of a flat, incised surface of…

Butter Tubs Winter 2019
Butter Tubs Winter 2019 -8 c on a frosty morning on The Butter Tubs pass. No one else up there…

Wensleydale Mist
Wensleydale Mist Autumn brings cold crisp morings and inverted cloud or mist in the valley bottoms. There is a time…

Summer meadows
Summer meadows These wild flower meadows are over my back garden wall. We are surrounded by them. This particular year…

Buttertubs cloud inversion
Buttertubs cloud inversion Early one morning – on the Swaledale side… Only time for a few… The Buttertubs Pass is…

October mist
October mist Wensleydale. Plus a couple later in the day… Gallery

Buttertubs Mist
Buttertubs Mist Continuing the light show over Buttertubs… this time in blue mist. The Buttertubs Pass is a high road 1726…

Finger Posts
Finger Posts An odd thing – but there must be a lot of them here in The Dales. We’d be…

Ribblehead Viaduct
Ribblehead Viaduct Hundreds of railway builders (“navvies”) lost their lives building the line, from a combination of accidents, fights, and…

Clouds over… When in doubt point it at the sky. But these ones are more than just pointing at the…

Swaledale shearling ram sale.
Swaledale shearling ram sale. Hawes Auction Mart in October is a busy month for buying and selling rams or tups,…

Sun Set on Buttertubs
Sun Set on Buttertubs There are beautiful sun sets – then there’s the once in a life time sun sets……

Swaledale Sheep
Swaledale Sheep The ubiquitous Swaledale is a breed of domestic sheep named after Swaledale. Do you know how hard it…

Wensleydale Mist #2
Wensleydale Mist #2 Mid November – cloud inversion in Wensleydale… shot from Buttertubs Pass. This is really cloud inversion –…

Muker Meadows
Muker meadows Muker Hay Meadows and The Bluebells A lush wildflower meadow, bursting with colour and scents and alive with…

Hardraw Scarr Brass Band Competition
Hardraw Scarr Brass Band Competition The Brass Band Festival The world famous Hardraw Scaur Brass Band Festival is Britain’s second…

Bellow Hill
Bellow Hill A re occurring theme – I photograph from Bellow Hill looking toward Hardraw, Ure head, Ten End Peat,…

Swaledale – Beautiful Dale, Home of The Sawle Famous for its wildflower meadows, heather moors, stunning scenery… The Swaledale dialect…